Get Involved


SHE NC strives to be a low-barrier organization to better enable individuals of all backgrounds, education levels, and career development to access our services. As a result, SHE NC is open to anyone committed to supporting our mission, goals, and focus.

SHE NC is completely supported by a Volunteer Board and funded by generous donations from the community. We do not charge a membership fee nor fees for our events. We invite members of the general community to attend events and volunteer with our organization at whatever capacity they are able.

While our primary audience is women, we also invite others who are not female-identifying to join us as allies and partners in achieving our goals. See our DEI Statement below.

Our Core Values

Our Mission

SHE NC is a 501c3 non-profit organization that strives to create opportunities for women in North Carolina through learning, networking, and community service.

Our goal

Our goal is to Support, Honor, and Empower women in their personal and professional growth.

Our focus

We provide our community with offerings that enrich the community through education, networking, scholarships, and community service.


We believe that diversity, equity, and inclusion are essential to our goal to Support, Honor, and Empower women.

We are committed to creating a community where ALL women feel welcome, respected, and supported. 

We believe that diversity of thought and experience leads to better outcomes for all. 

We are committed to creating and retaining a diverse community and providing inclusive and accessible programs and services for ALL women.

We believe that equity is about ensuring that all women have the same opportunities to succeed regardless of their background. 

We are committed to addressing the barriers that prevent women from reaching their full potential and to providing resources and support to women at all stages of life. 

We believe that inclusion is about creating a culture where all women feel valued and respected. We are committed to creating a community where all women feel like they belong.

We are committed to continuously learning and growing in our efforts to create a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive community. We believe that diversity, equity, and inclusion are essential to our success.

Six women of diverse heritage looking to the right

“Equity is not about giving everyone the same thing. It’s about giving everyone what they need to succeed.” -Stacey Abrams, former Georgia gubernatorial candidate

“Inclusion is not about being nice. It’s about creating a culture where everyone feels valued and respected.” -Anjali Kumar, CEO of The Conscious Company

“Diversity and inclusion are not just good for business. They’re good for humanity.” -Tarana Burke, founder of the #MeToo movement

"I am not a man in a dress. I am a woman, and I deserve to be treated as such." -Laverne Cox, Actress

“We need to create a world where everyone has the opportunity to reach their full potential, regardless of their race, gender, sexual orientation, or any other factor.” -Malala Yousafzai, Nobel Peace Prize laureate


SHE NC is operated by a volunteer Board of Directors. Our 2023 Board members are listed below.

Cherisa Zafft, Headshot

Magdalena Nwugo, Headshot

Katie Hobbs, Headshot

*Low-barrier is an adjective used to describe an organization that makes accessing their services and supports as easy and user friendly as possible. This includes an effort to minimize barriers such as financial contributions, extensive paperwork, waiting lists, physical characteristics, and other eligibility requirements that can stand in the way of participating in their services and community.